About Us
Formed in 1984, Kings Park Volunteer Guides is an independent incorporated not-for-profit community organisation. Our role is to advise and assist visitors to Kings Park by staffing the Visitor Information Centre and designing and leading a varied program of guided walks through the Western Australian Botanic Garden and Kings Park bushland.
Kings Park Guides have a responsible role, interacting with visitors daily in the Visitor Information Centre, on guided walks, and as roving ambassadors. To perform their role in a professional manner Guides require a broad range of knowledge, plus guiding and customer service skills. Base knowledge and skills are acquired through a tailored training course which is run every two to three years. This compulsory training is one day per week for 14 weeks.
Learning never stops and Kings Park Guides enjoy monthly meetings and presentations on a range of subjects and excursions. Friends of Kings Park also supports Guides with conference attendance and scholarships.
The commitment of at least two duties a month is required, including staffing the Visitor Centre and leading guided walks.
The 2024 Guides training course has now finished.
When the next training course is scheduled, recruitment advertisements will be placed in local newspapers, the Friends of Kings Park newsletter, and on notice boards in and around Kings Park. If you are interested in becoming a Guide, email the Volunteer Program Co-ordinator here.
Other Volunteering Opportunities
There are several volunteer groups supporting Kings Park. To find out more about volunteering in Kings Park see the Kings Park volunteering webpage.
